It’s no secret, I’m a polyvore fanatic. One of my favorite things when I buy a new accessory, dress, etc. is to find it and clip it to polyvore to use later. Sometimes it’s next to impossible to find a clipable piece, so it becomes a bit of a game. Other times, I have no luck and thus some of my favorite pieces are only viewable by those in my “real” life. Either way, I go through bouts of polyvore mania. Lately, I’ve had a ball with it…
Back in June, I asked what you’d be wearing for National Wear Lilly Day this year, but I never posted the day of with all my friends and what we wore. In fact, those pics are somewhere living on my computer at home, and I really SHOULD them b/c there were some FAB Lilly outfits, but ince this post is about my love of polyvore, I’ll show you the polyvore of my outfit instead for the time being:
In my last “real” post I talked about leaving the Hill — I’ll finish the rest of that story in a moment, but these looks are from outfits I’ve worn on the new job:
While I may have made a bright statement my first Friday at the new gig, I was tres comfy! I don’t know who designed the Newport dress over in Lilly land, but kudos to them. I dig it!
Another bright, comfy number. Clearly my wardrobe felt like saying HELLO new job!
As always, I’m all about taking a dress from work to play.
Until next time…