Had one of the best nights out in a long time Wednesday night in Old Town. For those of you unfamiliar with the quaint little waterfront neck of the woods in Alexandria, let me tell you — it’s amazing.
Date night outfit. |
Just south of Washington, D.C., Old Town is a historian’s paradise that dates back to the 1800’s.
With streets filled with everything from awesome boutique shopping to fantastic restaurants, it’s arguably the most charming part of my beloved city, Alexandria.
Christmas lights adorn the streets all year round, welcoming you into the neighborhood. |
The area is filled with row-houses. |
Colorful little row houses. |
Patriotism. |
The waterfront, where I spend many a morning sailing. |
My home away from home — the water. |
Awesome bridge connecting Maryland to Alexandria. |
Gorgeous tavern dating back to the 1700′s. Notable vistors include George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison and James Monroe. How’s that for some history? |
So much history… |
View from the water |
One of the last preserved cobblestone streets, also known as Captains Row. While it’s a pain in the you-know-what to wear heels on this street, it’s right down by the water and is absolutely gorgeous. With large trees stretching their branches to the middle of the street like a mock arch. And all of the homes are all of brick. So nice |
So yeah, I love my city, and I particularly love Old Town. While I never actually want to live IN Old Town, I’m more of a yard and fence kind of girl, I always want to live nearby. Geez, I’m in love with this area.
If you ever visit D.C. make sure you stop by Old Town. I promise you’ll love it.